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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dress Code and Official Business Attire

Elmer Whittaker 02/04/2012

The dress code at the Mohave County Board of Supervisor Meetings has long been a sour subject for me, but the last supervisor meeting on January 10, 2011 in which Chairman Buster Johnson announced so hypocritically to Hildy Angius, Greag “Butch” Meriwether and myself that the Board of Supervisors did not discriminate against anyone, really brought the pot to boil for me.

There are a growing number of voices within the citizenry that state that the dress code altogether violates the Arizona Open Meeting Laws, but I have not sat down to show and compare laws, but to point out the hypocrisy of Chairman Buster Johnson and the dress code.

I find it completely incomprehensible and repulsive that a political body such as the Board of Supervisors would demand a dress code from its constituents while at the same time not even making a sincere effort to dress appropriate for the only official business meeting they have each months.

It is by no way an exception to find Buster Johnson chairing the board meeting in a pair of jeans and a leather vest while the other supervisors barley possess the coordination to match their sports coats to the rest of their clothing.

I think that it would me more than justified when we the citizens and constitutions, who are forced for the moment to adhere to the dress code set by our unfit supervisors, demand that the supervisors show enough respect to the office they so grossly misrepresent and to their constituents to wear proper official business attire to the monthly board of supervisor meeting.

While there certainly is no norm for audiences of political civic events, there most certainly is a norm for businesslike attire.

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