It cannot have escaped anyone but the most ignorant person, or those who live in complete denial, that Americas society and politics is riddled by lies and corruption. However it is nowhere more visible and prevalent than in politics and bureaucratic administration and other government services or departments.
Political Editors Blog biased to the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights and Liberty & Justice for All.
Daily Mohave County Political News
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Mohave County and the Defense Authorization Bill (S.B. 1867)
Because of the almost complete news blackout in our American mass media concerning the passing of S.B. 1867, the most destructive Senate Bill since the Patriot Acts, I wanted to get some opinions and statements from our Arizona/Mohave County constitutional candidates running for office in 2012.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Constitutional Sheriff’s Syndrome
I most certainly appreciate Sheriff Richard Mack’s efforts and successes in saving our constitution and country, with his various projects to raise awareness about the importance of a constitutional county Sheriff – “America’s Last Hope”.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
“We The People Of Mohave County” and the Constitution
Elmer Whittaker 11/30/2011
By now it should be everyone’s understanding that “We The People Of Mohave County” is based upon the United States Constitution with its Bill Of Rights and with that is biased to Liberty and Justice for All.
Monday, November 21, 2011
How democracy was over-turned
I have been a supporter and promoter of Occupy Wall Street from the very beginning. I saw a real chance of uniting the left and the right, as this may be our last chance for a peaceful resolution with our government. And the movement is still going strong. It is pretty clear to me that neither the left nor the right can achieve it by themselves.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mohave County’s Occupy Movements
The Occupy movements of Mohave County, specifically Occupy Havasu and Occupy Kingman have undergone sudden changes which can be best described as “from Freedom to Socialism”. It appears that both Occupation movements are now solidly in the hands of the Mohave County Democratic Party who eliminated the democratic foundation known from other Occupy movements and so the leaderless movement is now led by a few democrats and a by now known communist.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Pissed Off – Literally
I took a trip to Phoenix just recently, when between Wickenburg and Phoenix in e middle of the desert I really had to relief myself most urgently. But knowing since the arrest of a native Indian in Peach Springs, AZ by the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office, that it is illegal to urinate in public which could not only get you arrested and fined, but indeed being sentenced as a sex-offender.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Ron Gould's Stance
Long time Arizona Senator Ron Gould has recently established the formation of an exploratory election committee to run for US Congress, as he has termed out as Arizona Senator.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Kanelos Case Dismissed
WTPOMCN – 10/23/2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Con-trails vs. Chem-trails
It would be wonderful if the question of chemtrails could be answered as simple as con-trails dissipate immediately while chem-trails hang around. Unfortunately, this is not quite accurate.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Domestic Terrorists
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Last night police forces attacked America!
WTPOMCN - 10/11/2011
USA – Last night, in some cities across the country the Occupiers Camps were destroyed and in Boston all protesters were arrested and beaten up. In other cities 24 hour notices to vacate were issued.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Occupy Phoenix
Reported by John Oetken 10/02/2011
We went to Occupy Los Angeles yesterday....and what we saw was a lot of information starved pissed off young people who can see their future is one of slavery to the Federal Reserve and the criminals who run it and our government. Now they ...are confused a bit about "capitalism vs. corporatism" but when you explain the Federal Reserve and how they have stolen the wealth and taken over the major corporations they start to open their eyes.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sherwood’s off to a real bad start
Commentary in reply to the article in the AZ Independent:
While Rick Sherwood serving as Commissioner on the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Board might have increased his appetite for local politics it obviously also increased his appetite for power.
Deputy Davis back on duty
Undisclosed sources have reported that Mohave County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Davis (25) has returned to duty. Deputy Davis has been involved in two separate controversial shootings within 24 hours in which a dog was injured and one suspect was killed after being shot 5 times by Deputy Davis.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sherwood’s un-electability
Personally I don’t have much knowledge’s how Rick Sherwood (R) serves the citizens of Mohave County as Commissioner on the Planning & Zoning Board, but the prior unanimous comments speak pretty much for themselves.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Desperate times are heading toward Mohave County
This is a response to Butch (Greag) Meriwether’s Blog in the Kingman Daily Miner “Exciting times are heading toward Mohave County”:
It is nice to see things in a positive light and with rose collared glasses at times, but when this practice is overdone it easily turns into ignoring reality and sticking one’s head into the desert sand. Not all is well in Mohave County. In fact, for those who chose to look and see, very little is well in our county.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
MCSO Cover-Up in fatal shooting?
The shooting dead of 30 year old Kingman resident William Bonnee by Mohave County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Davis (25) a 3 year Deputy of MCSO and former Correction Officer in the Mohave County Jail might be more than just an incident of excessive self-defense on Deputy Davis’ part.
Angius' problems with the Constitution
Just recently Hildy Angius (R) a declared candidate for the seat of Mohave County Board of Supervisors from Bullhead City, AZ let her opinion for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul free reign.
Buster’s Apprentice
Since Sue Donahue’s well taken announcement to run for the open Mohave County Board of Supervisors Seat in 2012, on Monday at the Lake Havasu Republican Women’s luncheon her candidacy already met its first serious controversy.
Mohave County Residents Are Country Pumpkins
WTPOMC NV Correspondent – 09/17/2011
The Clark Co. Supervisors and the Chinese Gov. that are proposing the Laughlin solar facility must consider those of us residing in the tri-state area to be country pumpkins.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Brewer selling AZ out to China
Golden Valley activist Luca Zanna has just confirmed with the Governor’s Office that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is currently in China allegedly selling Arizona out to the communists.
Luca Zanna asks all to call Jan Brewer’s Office at (602) 542-4331 and speak out your mind.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Search Warrants, Dogs and Deaths
It has long become standard procedure for Law Enforcement in particular SWAT Teams to shoot and kill the family dog when conducting a Search Warrant. If you look around even in the mass media you can find so many cases were innocent dogs are shot down like vermin, not even to mention the alternative media. Alone on YouTube are more than a half a million police brutality videos posted, growing on a daily basis.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Not a viable candidate
I must have missed Sharon Holmes (R) official announcement as candidates for Mohave County Supervisor in 2012, but the article in the Kingman Daily Miner from Tuesday, August 30, 2011 clearly stated such:
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Chemtrails over Mohave County are confirmed!
We The People Of Mohave County 08/30/2011
After 14 out of 17 residents of Golden Valley, AZ Kingman, AZ and Bullhead City, AZ tested positive for highly toxic levels of Barium, Aluminum, or Uranium some residents from Phoenix have also tested positive for toxic levels.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Big Hurdle: Bi-Partisanship
The American citizens and voters are so used to the predominant “two-party” system that many even think it was constitutionally so arranged. That however is not true in the least as can be seen by an occasional third party candidate, even for president.
The Bankers Bail Out
At the end of the Bush Administration and the beginning of the Obama Administration the Bankers Bail Out was priority number one. Although I was still engaged in the stock market by then I naively thought that the government was planning to buy up mortgages from homeowners who were behind in payment, defaulted or were about to be foreclosed, just to make it more affordable for the homeowners to pay their mortgages maybe even to a discounted price directly to the government.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Candidacy of Hildy Angius
Although Hildy Angius is one of my Facebook friends and apparently has been active in the Mohave County Republican Party for some time now as I understand, I probably along with many others know very little of and about her as well as her political views and stances.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Voter Fraud is Spreading
KINGMAN - According to sources from the Libertarian Party of Arizona who further investigated the alleged case of voter fraud that was caught on video and observed by a number of witnesses, at the Mohave County Board of Supervisor Meeting on August 1, 2011 in Kingman, AZ similar investigations are now also conducted in Quartzsite, AZ and three other Arizona towns.
Liberty Candidates for 2012
By Elmer Whittaker August 16, 2011
Not to worry about they told me over and over again. Once the redistricting is done there will be plenty of candidates running for the various offices and open seats here in Mohave County for the elections in 2012. Now that the brought the official proposal out for review there are indeed a few candidates announcing their intentions of running for offices.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The “Brown Shirts” are now “Gray”
When in 1929 Adolf Hitler started his way to power in Germany, he was supported and eventually brought into power by the SA (Sturm Abteilung). The SA wore to the most part brownish uniforms but always a brownish shirt. So the SA became known as “Braune” or in English “Brown Shirts”.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Obama Distraction
When Obama was running as a presidential candidate for 2008, his rhetoric, promises and vision for the future was exactly what mainstream America needed to hear and obviously many independents and republicans must have joined the democrats in electing him.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The End of the Constitution in Mohave County
This report is to give a detailed description of the incidents at the Mohave County Board of Supervisors Tax meeting on August 1, 2011 in Kingman, AZ.
During a break rather in the beginning of the meeting, Mohave County Administration Chief of Security Robert Prince was observed stealing numerous pages of signed petitions of Mohave County citizens from the auditorium where the meeting was held.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Medical Marijuana
Personally, I cannot stand how Marihuana makes me feel. But Kathy is suffering from severe chronic arthritis pain and morphine, oxycodone and other painkillers simple are not helping anymore, I am definitely in favor of her getting a prescription for Marihuana in the hope of easing the pain.
Now if that new study is correct and it indeed kills cancer cells in the brain, and that without toxic or damaging side effects as just about all other prescription drugs have, there should not even be another discussion about legalizing Marihuana, at the very least for medical purposes.
Friday, July 29, 2011
KPD refused to take crime report
The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office or the Kingman Police Department refusing to take a victim’s crime report is certainly not an isolated incident.
In August of 2009 I had been the victim of numerous felonies and a number of misdemeanors. I was the victim of false arrest, wrongful imprisonment, filing a false police report, malicious prosecution and conspiracy of those crimes. Further I was the victim of felony theft, felony credit card frauds, felony and federal criminal damage.
In August of 2009 I had been the victim of numerous felonies and a number of misdemeanors. I was the victim of false arrest, wrongful imprisonment, filing a false police report, malicious prosecution and conspiracy of those crimes. Further I was the victim of felony theft, felony credit card frauds, felony and federal criminal damage.
The kind of Sheriff we need!
In this 3-part video interview with Tony DeMeo, Sheriff of Nye County, Nevada, he explains that he is a Constitutional Sheriff and that authority for public office holders is derived from the people. - Read and Watch more:
Golden Valley Super Market
There is without any doubt a need for a Supermarket in Golden Valley. There are my opinion also enough people and customers here to make a Supermarket profitable. It does not have to be a huge Supermarket or a Wal-mart.
Rick Sherwood and the Mohave County Folks Group
Rick Sherwood, since you addressed me directly in your posting in your newly formed facebook group Mohave County folks, I suppose I should respond directly. I wasn’t actually planning to get involved with problems immediately. But it seem like I have already been reprimanded without even saying a word. Not that I’m not used to that, but it’s a bit surprising coming from you. Well, maybe not.
Shameful incompetence at Mohave Community College (MCC)
While I usually think wage increases for employees I am looking at this wage increase for MMC with very mixed feelings.
As I was luckily educated in Europe, for the first time have I signed up with the MCC for this semester to take classes helpful and needed for my business. I’ve been an entrepreneur most of my live and haven’t been to any college in almost 30 years.
As I was luckily educated in Europe, for the first time have I signed up with the MCC for this semester to take classes helpful and needed for my business. I’ve been an entrepreneur most of my live and haven’t been to any college in almost 30 years.
The speech that never was
For the Mohave County Board of Supervisors hearing on July 5, 2011 at the Mohave County Administration Building in Kingman, AZ on the proposed property tax increase of possibly 24% I had a short statement prepared to read to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Gary Watson.
Playing into their hands
If it is a constitutional requirement that both parents of a person have to be American citizens by the time of their birth, in order to be eligible to be or become an American President, then Barack Obama was or is not eligible to be US President as his father was not an American Citizen (as far as I know). If this is correct then it is and always has been completely irrelevant if Barack Obama was born on American territory (Hawaii) or not.
Mandatory Drug Testing
I went to see my Doctor in Las Vegas today for my 3 monthly check-up and to get some refills on some of the medications I take. I used to take Oxycodone pain pills along with the muscle relaxant Valium for my back and knee pain. I have since stepped down to Percocet pain pills who seem to prove more effective for me.
Presidential Puppets
What I am trying to say is simply that there is little point and even less to gain from removing or destroying a puppet (Obama). The Puppet Master (Shadow Government, FED, Bankers, Bilderbergs, etc.) would just pick up another puppet and continue their puppet show, while many of us might even see a reason to celebrate for having removed a puppet (Obama).
Thursday, July 21, 2011
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Police state just around the corner
Several days ago I had to go to Las Vegas in order to get copies of papers from the Clark County Family and Juvenile Court.
When entering the courthouse, I naturally had to go through a security checkpoint where I, as usual, emptied my pockets, and in this case, I had to take my belt off too, before stepping through the scanner. Unfortunately, I was caught still wearing my shoes. This was a security breach and had marshals materialize right in front of me out of thin air.
When entering the courthouse, I naturally had to go through a security checkpoint where I, as usual, emptied my pockets, and in this case, I had to take my belt off too, before stepping through the scanner. Unfortunately, I was caught still wearing my shoes. This was a security breach and had marshals materialize right in front of me out of thin air.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Important Change to the Miranda Law
The majority opinion, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, said a suspect who goes ahead and talks to police after being informed he doesn’t have to have waived his right to remain silent.
Staunch Supporter
by Elmer Whittaker © 2011
Up to 2 years ago I was a staunch supporter of our law enforcement and had the greatest respect. When I heard about police corruption and brutality, I always though there are a few bad cops amongst the law enforcement and some incidents I thought were provoked and exaggerated.
The Corruption in Mohave County
It has been rather quiet in past few months here in Mohave County and very little has been said about the curse that hangs over all of Mohave County. Corruption. In Law Enforcement, in the Judicial Branch and in local Government. Make no mistake, corruption runs rampant in Mohave County and has for decades.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Know Your Rights! What the Police preferred you didn't know
Police officers are generally depicted as public servants, but they can be your worst enemy when they count on people like you not knowing your constitutional rights. Just because you or your children didn't know they had rights under the constitution and gave up those rights by talking to a police officer or a federal agent without an attorney could cost you dearly. This includes even a casual conversation that could happen on a traffic stop or on a sidewalk.
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