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Monday, September 26, 2011

Sherwood’s off to a real bad start

Elmer Whittaker 09/26/2011

Commentary in reply to the article in the AZ Independent: http://www.azinews.com/2011/09/26/sherwood-to-run-for-new-district-4-seat  

While Rick Sherwood serving as Commissioner on the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Board might have increased his appetite for local politics it obviously also increased his appetite for power.

In my opinion, Rick Sherwood’s first public steps as a possible candidate for the Mohave County Board of Supervisors made it quite clear that he has little interest in what the population of his districts thinks or wants, unless you are a registered Republican, leaving his other constituents out in the cold. That could easily be seen when Rick Sherwood started his group “Mohave County Folks” in which he rid himself of all dissident voices and discriminated against those belonging to other parties and kicked them out. Sherwood picks and censors his group by party affiliation and those who agree with him.

That Rick Sherwood is not the man to bring unity, joint cooperation and a smooth team of Board of Supervisors can also be seen on his already famous quote: “I Love Conflict” to which many more than just myself can attest. What Mohave County needs is a Board of Supervisors that can and will work together to the best of the citizens interest with as little conflict as possible.

Being a Walker/Watson protégé it should not come as a surprise that Rick Sherwood holds the believe that the US Constitution with its Bill Of Rights has very little to do with being a Supervisor for Mohave County. Ignoring the “Law Of The Land” seems to be a Board of Supervisor tradition that Rick Sherwood is  much too willing to follow.

Stating that no corruption in Mohave County exists, does his motto of “leadership that listens” little honor, as without a doubt the citizens of Mohave County have not only once declared corruption in politics, law enforcement and judicial branch the number 1 problem in the county. Like others before Sherwood, he really seems to be afraid of even uttering the word “corruption”.

Unless Rick Sherwood had a complete change of mind or alliances his statements about water conservation really seem a bit to frivolous as Rick Sherwood was amongst the Commissioners who voted YES on the water guzzling Hualapai Solar Plant.

As I said before, I personally think that Rick Sherwood lacks the integrity, character and honesty that a Supervisor should have, and is too far entangled in the Good Ol’ Boy network to deserve out hopes and trust.

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